We’ve taken the time to make building Zen Browser as easy as possible, independent of your operating system or technical knowledge.


We cannot provide support if a build fails. Please understand this before proceeding with the following steps.

Step 1: Clone the Project

First, you need to clone the Zen Browser repository to your local machine. This will create a local copy of the project that you can work on.

git clone https://github.com/zen-browser/desktop.git --recurse-submodules
cd desktop
  • --recurse-submodules: This flag ensures that all submodules are cloned along with the main project. Zen Browser relies on several submodules, so this step is essential.

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Once you have cloned the project, navigate to the project directory and install the necessary dependencies using npm:

pnpm i

This command will install all the packages listed in the package.json file, which are required for building and running Zen Browser.

Step 3: Download and Bootstrap the Browser

To set up the browser, you need to download additional files and prepare the environment:

pnpm run init

This command handles all the necessary bootstrapping tasks, such as setting up configuration files and downloading essential resources.

Step 4: Update Language Packs

Before building the browser, it’s recommended to update the American English language packs to ensure that all localization files are up-to-date:

python3 ./scripts/update_en_US_packs.py

This script updates the β€œen-US” localization files, which are necessary for proper language support in Zen Browser. Running this step ensures that your build includes the latest translations and language resources.

Step 5: Build the Browser

Now that everything is set up, you can build the browser:

pnpm build

This command compiles the source code and creates the necessary files for running Zen Browser.

Step 6: Run the Browser

After building the browser, you can start it using:

pnpm start

This command launches the browser, allowing you to see your changes in action.