Thank you for your interest in contributing to the translations for Zen Browser! Ensuring that Zen Browser is accessible to users around the world is a key priority, and your contributions help make this possible. This guide will walk you through the process of getting started with translating Zen Browser using Crowdin.


If you want to translate a language that is not currently available in the Crowdin project, please reach out to the developers on Discord. We’ll be happy to add it for you!


Before you begin, you will need to have the following:

  • A Crowdin Account: You can sign up for free at Crowdin.
  • Basic Knowledge of the Language: A good understanding of the language you are translating to is essential.

Step 1: Join the Zen Browser Translation Project

  1. Visit the Zen Browser Translation Project on Crowdin.
  2. Click on the β€œJoin” button to become a contributor to the project.
  3. Select the language you want to contribute to from the list of available languages.

Step 2: Start Translating

Once you have joined the project and selected your language, you can start translating:

  1. Navigate to the language you selected.
  2. You will see a list of files that need translation. Click on any file to start translating.
  3. Translate the strings from English to your selected language. Ensure that the translations are accurate and clear.
  4. Save your translations as you work.

Step 3: Review and Suggest Improvements

In addition to translating, you can also review translations made by others:

  1. Go to your selected language.
  2. Review the translations and suggest improvements if necessary.
  3. Approve translations that are correct and meet the quality standards.

Step 4: Communicate with Other Translators

Crowdin provides communication tools to collaborate with other translators:

  • Comments: Leave comments on specific strings if you have questions or suggestions.
  • Discussions: Participate in project-wide discussions to coordinate with other translators.

Step 5: Stay Updated

Crowdin allows you to track the progress of the translation project and stay updated on new strings that need translation:

  • Notifications: Enable notifications in your Crowdin account to be alerted when new content is available for translation.
  • Progress Tracking: Use the progress bars to see how much of the translation is complete for your selected language.

Additional Resources

Thank you for helping to make Zen Browser accessible to a global audience! Your contributions are invaluable.