The preferences.json file allows theme developers to define custom preferences that control the behavior and appearance of themes in the Zen Browser. Each preference is defined with a property, a label, a type, and optionally options (for dropdown preferences). The preferences.json file contains a list of these preference objects at its root.

Theme Preferences

Preference Types

PropertyTypeAccepted Values
checkboxBooleantrue, false
dropdownArray[Options]The value of an option must be a string ("blue") or an integer (1)

Checkbox preferences

Checkbox Example
  "property": "theme.mytheme.enable_dark_mode",
  "label": "Enable dark mode",
  "type": "checkbox"


The property field is a string that should follow Firefox’s preference naming schema, similar to about:config entries. The property name can be any valid string that aligns with this schema.

For example: theme.mytheme.background_color


The label field is the description that will be visible to users in the Zen Mods settings page. This field accepts a string and allows white space.

Dropdown Example
  "property": "theme.mytheme.background_color",
  "label": "Background color",
  "type": "dropdown",
  "options": [
      "label": "Green",
      "value": "green"
      "label": "Blue",
      "value": "blue"

Dropdown preferences also contain property and label fields. What separates dropdown menus from checkboxes is that they allow multiple options.

The options field is an array of option objects, only available for the dropdown type. This field must be an array containing one or more option objects.

  "options": [
      "label": "Light",
      "value": "light"
      "label": "Dark",
      "value": "dark"

Each option object defines a possible value for the dropdown menu. It contains two fields: label and value.

  • The label is the description that will be displayed in the dropdown menu. This field accepts a string and allows white space.
  • The value field contains the value that will be assigned as a CSS property. Only string or int values are valid. Strings may not contain white space or special characters.
    "label": "Green",
    "value": "green" // valid string
Invalid Example
  "label": "Invalid option",
  "value": [] // invalid, only string/int are allowed

See Full Example

Below is a full example of what a preferences.json file might look like with multiple preference objects in its root. Each object represents a preference defined for a theme:

    "property": "theme.mytheme.enable_dark_mode",
    "label": "Enable dark mode",
    "type": "checkbox"
    "property": "theme.mytheme.background_color",
    "label": "Background color",
    "type": "dropdown",
    "options": [
        "label": "Green",
        "value": "green"
        "label": "Blue",
        "value": "blue"
    "property": "theme.mytheme.show_bookmarks_bar",
    "label": "Show bookmarks bar",
    "type": "checkbox"

In this example:

  • The preferences.json file contains a list of three preference objects.
  • Each object defines a property, label, and type (either checkbox or dropdown).
  • Dropdown preferences can include an options field, with each option having a label and a value.

Using preferences in the theme’s CSS

Once you have defined your preferences in the preferences.json file, you can use them in your theme’s CSS to modify the appearance or behavior based on the user’s selections.

Checkbox Preferences

Checkbox preferences can be detected in your CSS using the -moz-bool-pref media query, which evaluates the boolean value (true or false) of a checkbox preference.

For example, if you have a preference to enable dark mode in your theme:

  "property": "theme.mytheme.enable_dark_mode",
  "label": "Enable dark mode",
  "type": "checkbox"

You can use the following CSS to change the background color when the dark mode preference is enabled:

@media (-moz-bool-pref: "theme.mytheme.enable_dark_mode") {
  body {
    background-color: #000;
    color: #fff;

You can also have negative conditions

@media not (-moz-bool-pref: "theme.mytheme.enable_dark_mode")


property fields defined in preferences.json using the "dropdown" type will have one key difference when used in your themes CSS: dots (.) in the property name are replaced with hyphens (-).

E.g. theme.mytheme.background_color becomes theme-mytheme-background_color in the CSS file. This transformation ensures that the property can be used as an attribute selector or inside a media query.

For dropdown preferences, you can detect the selected value using the :has() CSS pseudo-class, which applies styles based on the selected attribute and value in the DOM.

For example, if you have a preference to select the background color from a dropdown menu:

  "property": "theme.mytheme.background_color",
  "label": "Background color",
  "type": "dropdown",
  "options": [
      "label": "Green",
      "value": "green"
      "label": "Blue",
      "value": "blue"

You can use the following CSS to change the background color based on the selected value:

/* Green background */
body:has(#theme-mytheme[theme-mytheme-background_color="green"]) {
  background-color: #008000;
  color: #000;
/* Blue background */
body:has(#theme-mytheme[theme-mytheme-background_color="blue"]) {
  background-color: #0000ff;
  color: #fff;

In this example:

  • The background color and text color change based on the value selected in the background_color dropdown.
  • The selector body:has(#theme-mytheme[background_color="value"]) checks the background_color attribute and applies the relevant styles based on the selected option.

See Full Example

Suppose your preferences.json file includes these two preferences:

    "property": "theme.mytheme.enable_dark_mode",
    "label": "Enable dark mode",
    "type": "checkbox"
    "property": "theme.mytheme.background_color",
    "label": "Background color",
    "type": "dropdown",
    "options": [
        "label": "Green",
        "value": "green"
        "label": "Blue",
        "value": "blue"

You can combine the CSS like this:

/* Checkbox for dark mode */
@media (-moz-bool-pref: "theme.mytheme.enable_dark_mode") {
  body {
    background-color: #000;
    color: #fff;
/* Dropdown for background color selection */
body:has(#theme-mytheme[theme-mytheme-background_color="green"]) {
  background-color: #008000;
  color: #000;
body:has(#theme-mytheme[theme-mytheme-background_color="blue"]) {
  background-color: #0000ff;
  color: #fff;

This allows users to:

  • Toggle dark mode on/off using the checkbox.
  • Select a background color from the dropdown, which dynamically changes the background and text colors based on the user’s choice.

Operating system specific settings

Some CSS modifications may not function properly on all operating systems. You can use a prefix to specify what operating system the preference should be available for.

The prefix is the operating system name in lowercase, followed by a colon (:)


If you want to use a negative condition, you can use the ! operator before the operating system name.

For example

  "!macos:theme.mytheme.not-macos": "Apply for Linux and Windows",
  "": "Apply for Windows",