If you are a theme developer and would like to submit your theme, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Theme requirements:

    • Your theme must be compatible with Zen Browser.
    • Your theme must be open-source.
    • Your theme must not contain any malicious code.
    • Your theme must not violate any copyright laws.
  2. Theme Validation:

    • Your theme’s name must be unique and less than 25 characters.
    • Your theme’s description must be less than 100 characters.
    • Your theme’s screenshot must be a PNG with a size of 300x200 (it can be resized after upload).
    • Your theme must contain a valid README describing the theme and how to use it.
    • If your theme has any preferences values, they must be set in the preferences text area as a JSON object.
      • See how preferences work here.
  3. Theme Submission:

    • To submit your theme, please create an issue here
    • Fill out the template with the required information.
    • Once you have submitted your theme, it will be analyzed by a bot and a pull request will be created.
    • If your theme is approved, it will be added to the Themes Marketplace.
  4. Theme Update:

    • If you would like to update your theme, please create an issue here
    • Please explain the changes you have made.


Themes are automatically updated and generated by the bot. If your theme is not approved, you will receive a message with the reason why it was not approved.